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Why Mirrorhive

Discover a fundamentally different approach to security.

How have others attempted to solve this problem before, and why has it failed?

Traditional approaches to addressing the limited security activities on the production site have often relied on isolating the production environment and implementing strict access controls. While these measures provide some level of protection, they fall short in terms of proactive threat prevention, comprehensive testing, and gaining deeper insights into potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, the lack of an external environment for conducting security activities hinders the ability to simulate real-world attacks and effectively reinforce safeguards.


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Mirrorhive's solution creates production twins that enable organizations to conduct cyber activities outside the production site. This allows proactive security measures, comprehensive protection, and deeper visibility into potential risks.

Sectors' Value


Enterprises with Critical Infrastructure

Organizations operating critical infrastructure systems, such as energy, transportation, or healthcare, could benefit from MH's proactive threat detection and tailored defense mechanisms to safeguard their sensitive systems and protect against cyber attacks.

Financial Institutions

Banks, financial services firms, and payment processors deal with sensitive customer data and face constant cybersecurity threats. MH's production twins approach, real-time issue remediation, and comprehensive insights can help strengthen their security posture and prevent financial fraud.


Healthcare Providers

With the increasing digitization of healthcare records and the rising prevalence of cyber attacks targeting healthcare systems, MH can offer healthcare providers the means to protect patient data, ensure regulatory compliance, and prevent disruptions in critical healthcare services.


See Mirrorhive solution to the unexpected security problem 

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Government and Defense Agencies

Government organizations and defense agencies handle highly classified information and face sophisticated cyber threats. MH's ability to conduct cyber activities on production twins and offer customized defense scenarios can assist these entities in maintaining a high level of security readiness.

Technology Companies

Software development companies, cloud service providers, and technology firms can leverage MH to enhance their security testing processes, conduct robust pen-testing, and gain deep visibility into network security to identify vulnerabilities and protect their digital assets.


Managed Security Service Providers 

MSSPs can leverage MH as a powerful tool in their security offerings, providing their clients with advanced threat detection, real-time remediation, and comprehensive insights into security vulnerabilities across their networks.

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